The Republicans sound today exactly as Ron Paul sounded during the campaign. He has clearly changed the way conservatives talk about fiscal policy. It's too bad that they caused this absurd mess. Dr. Paul said today that not only did members of Congress not even get a chance to read the bill, but they didn't even get a full copy until well into the night. The copies circulating had handwritten notes, where someone, for example, had drawn a line through "$100M" and replaced it with "$150M".
It doesn't take an Austrian School devotee to figure out that this centrally-planned miracle elixir is futile. Heck, John T. Flynn told us that over fifty years ago, when FDR tried it. What is unfortunate is that the cosmetic state of politics in this country, the R vs. D Perpetual War, has replaced the blame squarely on "them". We all get to complain about the other guys, while we all simultaneously getting shafted by those in charge. The change from Clinton to Bush signified only that Bush's cronies would get rich instead of Clinton's. The change to Obama has signified only a change to his cronies leeching big bucks from the American public. If we do not take our country back, remove unlimited federal power, restore the Constitution and acknowledge that Congress acts like the Animal Farm pigs (changing the rules at whim, giving the "more equal" citizens undeserved bonuses, etc.), the collapse of the dollar and perhaps the American way of life are imminent. I, for one, hope the country itself falls apart before its ideals are totally lost.
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